The Feel Good Record Of The Year CD

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The 9th proper studio release from one of Fat’s original, founding bands. Recorded in Ft. Collins, CO at the Blasting Room with legendary producers Bill Stevenson & Jason Livermore (Descendents, Rise Against, Good Riddance, 7 Seconds, etc.). This could very well be their best record to date, both in song quality and production value. Fourteen new songs that are a perfect blend of all their previous albums.

Release Date: Apr 1, 2008

Track List

  1. Biggest Lie
  2. I Want To Be Wrong  
  3. Yours To Destroy 
  4. Under the Garden 
  5. Sleeping Between Trucks 
  6. Domino 
  7. The Feel Good Song of the Year 
  8. The Trumpet Player 
  9. Night of the Living Living 
  10. Ontario 
  11. Pacific Standard Time 
  12. The Dregs of Sobriety 
  13. Kill the Rich 
  14. Take it Home